The challenger has presented impressive Battlefield 3 a few days ago, is now Modern Warfare 3 on the train. Infinity Ward may be in tandem with Sledgehammer Games fend off the powerful offensive of competitors? We flew to London to fend off the attack, at least the Russians.
Because that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) in full swing and test time for the shooter to be able to, we had to travel to the British capital, where we Activision’s blockbuster, along with other selected media representatives were able to advance to play on the Xbox 360. However, the story has a hook – like the shooter hits the online servers, can not judge under these conditions.But back to the advance of the Russian armed forces – the set not only the American East Coast too powerful.
The troops of the enemy are also going to overrun and western cities such as London, Paris and Berlin. Thus it is also clear: Modern Warfare 3 is in the single player campaign right there to where you ended up in the second episode. But this is true not only for the patchwork story. Also playfully reveals the five hours of playing time again very short campaign, as expected hardly new. Interestingly there is above all a new weapon feature because some views now have an alternative sight, making them the use of flexible and the stifling restrictions bearable on two portable shooting iron.
MW3 it can! crash The true strength of the CoD series In single player mode is the latest since MW1 clearly on the monumental staging. Who can even remember the many characters who move in this episode in no particular order again and again against the enemies into the fray? At the fantastic sniper mission, the atomic bomb explosion, the storming of the favelas or the White House but probably everyone. And that is exactly what lives MW3: A WTF! Situation follows another the next, the sensations are so overwhelming that one sometimes forgets the shooting action.
Crazy chase in a subway tunnel? Check!Weightless in a shoot-Jet? But yes! Crushing tanks driving through a parking garage? And how! Submarine infiltration? We’re in! Rail shooter inserts, AC-130 gunner, sand storm? JAJAJA! 17 missions long, we experience the full board, occasionally turning over again but the makers. Some scenes are unreflective, seemingly built for pure provocation. Do we want to see in an entertainment product, like a family dies by poison gas? Not really, but “Disturbing Content” can at least turn off … The rapid succession of dramatic scenes, but also conceals a little that the engine is used, although some improvements came clearly into the years. Yes, you focus on stable 60 FPS, but just in visual comparison with Battlefield 3 lags by one (also on the console) afterwards. But still: The animations of the characters and their clothes are a big success. Also, the powerful sound effects to emphasize the chaos of war, which incidentally contains much less mass scenes with ever advancing enemy forces, very well. In comparison to the reference quality of the competitors here, but it lacks the subtlety differentiation. The elemental force of the sensations are mainly against dumb AI comrades and enemies, and the very simple-designed and scripted missions. What use is the most exciting atmosphere when I know I can not go on it anyway, if I follow only the instructions of the computer-controlled friend.Still, Battlefield 3, in terms of staging still some brilliant campaign abgucken at Infinity Ward.
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