The Avengers -A Fresh Official Trailer is Here!

avengers TrailerIt is not only THE blockbuster of next year – for many, The Avengers no less than the promised land of the comic book adaptation.The Marvel Studios drums the who’s who of super heroes together and pass it in the capable hands of Buffy creator Joss Whedon.As of today, probably the most powerful ensemble since the Last Supper, finally a fresh official trailer.

Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye: The list of superheroes in “The Avengers – The Avengers” to unite for a good cause (preventing the apocalypse), so long as impressed. Very gently Marvel has the world prepares for the big bang in 2012. Again and again found themselves in the last films of the studio little evidence of the planned meeting of the avenging clearing. SHIELD director Nick Fury was already in the “Incredible Hulk” from 2008 and actively began with his recruitment of top-secret super team. Last Fury threw his eye then thunder god Thor. As before, we got from Marvel after the credits given to a brief scene that gave us cause for speculation about the contents of the “Avengers” movie. 


Only one was this time much more concrete: Conspiracy Master and God father issues Loki was there a brief but promising Aufritt, who waved to the fence post in the direction of “The Avengers”. Now released trailer confirms Loki actually on humanity apart. Everything under one God would surely not a real challenge for the “Avengers”. We like the choice of villain very well – was “Thor” but so far the best Marvel film and was particularly impressive with his cast. Over the rest of the trailer, however, can be happily discussed. What is your opinion? Will he meet the hype? Keep the “Avengers” what they promise and what evidence you have discovered otherwise? Here we go.


Posted by on October 11, 2011. Filed under Entertainment, Hollywood. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.