Do you Know, Steve Jobs Had Always Drive his Car without License Plate!

Do you Know, Jobs Always Drive his Car without Number Plate!

This was part of the fun and little mysteries of Apple`s boss Steve Jobs.How he did it with impunity to ride in a vehicle without license plate? Here is the answer, Discovered by revoseek.

Jobs or one of his relatives had found a loophole in the regulations in California. A new car can travel six months without his plate. Jobs was then agreed with a leasing company to change every six months. A brand new Mercedes SL55 AMG drove the previous one and then the boss of Apple was happy to ride his little differently … (and then the car is nice like that).


Posted by on October 27, 2011. Filed under Articles, Life Style, Relations. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.