Twelephone: New Service to Make Calls from Twitter

twelephone-nuevo-servicio-para-ralizar-llamadas-desde-twitter-1A stunning new web service has been launched and its official website is advertised as the first and only web phone that integrates with the  social network Twitter . This site also contend that the original telephone was invented more than 100 years and believe that it is time that there is a new phone that works more in line with how we operate ourselves today. More specifically, Twelephone is said to be the first telephone service with voice and video protocol HTML5 and WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) based on a web browser.

Twelephone: a servic, not a device

Clearly, when the site of this service refer to “phone first and only web” are talking about the service itself, as it has little to do Twelephone with smartphones, tables or any other device, and the novelty is the process of communicating and not the technological features of a gadget.

The service is, in effect, one of the first to use the WebRTC standard, allowing communication in real time in the browser via APIs Chrome JavaScript.

This means that the service is free but also to be based on the browser (so far Google Chrome , although it has been announced that will be available in Firefox and Opera ), there is no need to download any software. Communication occurs with other contacts of your Twitter account you have registered in Twelephone page, where you can search directly for a specific user or go to a directory that lists all contacts that have registered.

To enable communication should add an extension for Google Chrome which is what handles all communication: you can have tabs or closed session Twelephone site yet, if someone makes a call while your extension is enabled, a notification window will open HTML5. With WebRTC standard, the developer of the service, Chris Matthieu, has said it is possible to use the camera and microphone for each user to get audio and video in high definition without any mediation, and does not require Flash Player .

The connection type is P2P (audio and video is exchanged just as Torrent files are exchanged , for example) and is an encrypted, secure and private. Moreover, Matthieu found that Twitter is more solid platform for exchanging messages as audio and video. The “number” is the URL Twelephone twitter profile (

What still is not clear about is how this new service will be established as a viable business, especially considering services like Skype or any chat, before which Twelephone not seem to represent any advantage.

Its creator plans to add some features and benefits to the service, where possible integrated with other services, and create resources for companies as a system of automatic call distribution and the ability to add directory yellow page listings. The idea is to focus it towards relationships between companies and customers, where for example a customer inquiry about a product or service can be answered with a voice or video that opens with a link in a tweet.


Posted by on January 22, 2013. Filed under News, Technology, Web. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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