New Source of Income: Facebook Wants To Build External Network

FacebookLast week, Facebook has its mind games presented to the new terms and conditions, and above all in attention generated that the user no longer democratic vote on the changes, but the future, only to be heard. Much more interesting, however, is what Facebook is so concretely imagined.

The proposed amendments do not in any case lead to the conclusion that the blue social network wants to set up an external network, eventually allow the new policies on data use, to use the collected data outside Facebooks. That sounds hard to quasi monopoly to competition for Google AdSense, which so far world’s largest advertising network , which about a thirdcontributes to Google’s revenue.

External network could double sales

Investors would vote the initiative definitely happy, finally predicts Chris Dixon, partner at tech investor Andreessen Horowitz that such a network could double sales of Facebook even. This would then be around 10 billion dollars a year and even without the much awaited mobile strategy .

Because despite a billion users and a sheer amount of data that marketers can be the mouth watering in the water, runs the business with advertising on Facebook is not particularly about. Last year, per user, just five U.S. dollars earned – there is still much room for improvement; advertising competitor Google is just under $ 20 . The reason for this poor performance is the lean click-through rate of an estimated 0.05 per cent compared to an industry average of 0.1 percent.

Facebook’s advertising network: combine user data with design freedom

And there’s a reason for this: Facebook is advertising partners over very inflexible and offers the standard advertising formats addition to any special treatment for advertisers. As is the idea of the outside world graphically unified Facebook user data to associate with freedom in advertising design, not far away.

Visible were the first attempts to build such a network, as Sponsored Stories, which had been posted on Facebook that appeared even at In the near future, the project will probably be extended. concrete stands on that data from Facebook will be used when purchased Instagram – and vice versa.

Also sounds like Google, the search giant has finally just earlier this year harmonize its privacy policies and its numerous associated services together. On Facebook there are indeed only two services whose data flow together now and still there is no comparable AdSense program, but it will not be long in coming.

Privacy advocates must not be alarmed, Google already

Frankly, I like the dash. Even if the privacy issue splits the warehouse and the data protection message again should a headache, one must not forget that it is Facebook is a for-profit corporation. And with five euros per user per year is one of the desired altitude flight still far. And finally AdSense makes nothing else for years – Google knows enough about us anyway.


Posted by on November 26, 2012. Filed under News, Technology, Web. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.