According to a survey conducted by Microsoft in five geographic regions, small and medium enterprises gain significant benefits in terms of security of their IT infrastructure using the cloud. Specifically, 35% of U.S. companies surveyed has achieved significantly higher levels of security, then transferred to cloud1. Moreover, 32% say they are no longer so concerned about threats in cyberspace. Small businesses in the U.S. using the cloud spend 32% less time each week for safety management than companies not using the cloud.
We also have five times more likely to have reduced their spending on security management as a percentage of their total output in terms of information systems.
“There is a perception that security is a barrier to adoption of cloud”, says Adrienne Hall, general manager, Microsoft Trustworthy Computing. “But when companies adopt and invest in services in cloud, they discover that the benefits far outweigh the previous concerns . ”
The time and money businesses spend before using services cloud, now spent on developing the business and enhance competitiveness. The survey reveals the following for the U.S.:
” Any solution that helps small businesses should be good for them, and the economy, “said Ryan Brock, vice president, Worldwide SMB Cloud & Channels, Access Markets International Partners. “When we talk about security, cloud offers small businesses a combination of expertise, skilled resources and investment. This translates into cost savings and years, but also to better protect against cyber, which gives them the freedom to innovate and develop their business . ”
An example of a company that has realized the benefits of cloud security are SkyWire Media Inc ., a small company in Nevada that helps other companies in order to develop and distribute rich content to mobile devices. As a small company, it was a challenge for SkyWire to monitor developments with regard to safety management. Adopting the Windows Intune, a management and security solution based on the cloud, the company no longer faces the same problem. simplifying software distribution and streamlining the process of upgrading the security in Windows Intune SkyWire helped the company save $ 90,000 in level information systems within six months, saving $ 15,000 per month. Leaving tools antivirus and antimalware, the company was able to reallocate the cost of monitoring these processes.
“Once you start using Windows Intune, the support calls have dropped by 70%, “said Thomas Castleberry, chief operating officer, SkyWire. “We can now stop the malware before it intervened in the productivity of our sales – and that means they can go out and bring new jobs . ”
The study commissioned by Microsoft and conducted by research firm comScore Inc. included research on companies with between 100 and 250 PC in the U.S., Singapore, Malaysia, India, Hong Kong.
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