Samsung Galaxy S II: A Hack to Get Better Quality Video

Thanks to the amazing work done by a standards XDA forum, can we have better quality camera Galaxy S II. It is a very special hack which can improve the quality of video and audio, in particular it will allow you to modify the sound while in 192kbps/44.1kHz and video in 1080 and 720p.

Samsung Galaxy S II Hack to Get Better Quality Webcam Video

Here is what you enjoy after the hack:

  • Using the camera and camcorder, whatever the level of battery
  • Records audio quality 192kbps/44.1Khz (quality CD) and not 64kbps/16khz
  • Increased Bitrate Video in 1080 and 720p
  • Optional versions without sound (for Standard and Highbit versions!). All features, no sound, nor that of AF. 

The setup wizard:

1) Root-virtue and install a file manager that will allow you to navigate the system

2) Go to / system / app, and rename your Camera.apk Camera.apk.bak and Camera.odex your Camera.odex.bak (that you have a backup to restore)

3) Unrar the APK (password: potatoman @ XDA) and copy it in / system / app.

4) Rename it to Camera.apk

5) Close the file manager and run the camera app from the main menu

6) If the application is not running, or shortcut is missing, go back to / system / app folder and try to install it (put it in the root explorer and then “install”). This step is only an option if working from step 5, we do not.

7) Enjoy!

For more information go through the  XDA forum

See the two videos, before and after to understand the difference in quality:





Posted by on November 27, 2011. Filed under Articles, Innovation, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.