As networks continue to be born new rumors of a portable tablet Apple iPad Mini . The fact that it “is born” is practically no one in doubt – Apple does not want to lose low-cost segment of the 7-inch device, which firmly established the company Amazon, and more recently its most serious intentions to show Google and ASUS,releasing the Nexus 7 .
According to rumors, a small tablet Apple will use LCD-panel Sharp IGZO (not surprising, given that the garbage devaysov Apple – Foxconn has recently also owns a controlling stake in Japanese manufacturer .) A Sharp, in turn, is “learned” to produce panels with a pixel density of up to 330 ppi (new iPad, the figure is 264, in the Google Nexus 7 – 216). Apple, probably will not “lower the bar” for the new device and release a worthy rival Google Nexus7.
In addition, the source confirmed that the cost of iPad Mini will be 249-299 dollars, and the tablet will be available in the fall and will have a 7.85-inch display.
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