Jailbreak and Unlock an iPhone

How to Unlock iPhone 4S On Basebands 1.0.11-13-14

A few years ago we were often forced to unlock an iPhone to use it. Since, it is less useful in France where you can ask unlock a device after 3 months with his operator without paying. However, in some cases this may be still useful to override the operator. 
course, why we must have a jailbroken iPhone which is simple if you are still under iOS 5.0.1 even with a 4S with  redsn0w 0.9 .10 b7 .

Following is a simple procedure discovered by Loktar_Sun via a flaw in the iPhone Baseband all. We must have the latest version of iTunes and put the SIM you want to use in the iPhone before continuing.

Loktar_Sun ,  a Chinese hacker, just to make it possible for any unlocked jailbroken iPhone iOS 5 and above, following the discovery of a vulnerability in the ICCID. With patch  Sat  (Subscriber Artificial Module), available for free on Cydia, you can now easily unlock your iPhone jailbroken 3GS/4/4S all Baseband !

Jailbreak and Unlock an iPhone 1

This is great news for iPhone owners locked to an operator and not having the opportunity to officially unlock their device. And for good reason, with this tutorial and Sat patch, you will be able to unlock virtually any jailbroken iPhone (iOS 5/5.0.1/5.1), Baseband and all for free! The feat also been  confirmed by MuscleNerd , famous hacker of the Dev Team, who managed with this technique to unlock the iPhone 4S.

Jailbreak and Unlock an iPhone 2


  • iPhone jailbroken 3GS/4/4S
  • iOS 5/5.0.1/5.1
  • iTunes (updated)
  • SIM card you want to “activate” on the iPhone

Steps to follow:

  1. Launch Cydia, add the source  http://repo.bingner.com  ( ? Manage ? Edit ? Add Source ) and install the package called Sat
Jailbreak and Unlock an iPhone 3
  1. Place the new SIM card that you want to use your device.
  2. Open the settings of SAM (either via  Settings ? Sat  or through the newly installed SAMPrefs icon) and choose Utilities ? De-Activate iPhone . A notification will then confirms the deactivation of your phone.
Jailbreak and Unlock an iPhone 4
  1. Go back to Settings and press Sat Method and Carrier ? By country : then select the country (Country) and the telephone operator (Carier) on which the iPhone is locked. (Some operators require to inform the SIM ID).
  1. Jailbreak and Unlock an iPhone 5
  2. Now press More Information  and copy the numbers  IMSI  (tab Details SIM ). Then press Spoof Real SIM to Sat .
Jailbreak and Unlock an iPhone 6
  1. Go back to the settings of SAM change ? Method Manual and paste the numbers IMSI  earlier.
  2. Open iTunes and connect your device to your computer (PC or Mac) for it to activate it. Then double-click on the settings of the phone number on the screen of your device and make sure the ICCID is where your SIM card . If this is not the case,
Jailbreak and Unlock an iPhone 7
  1.  start over from step 2.
  2. Disconnect your iPhone, quit iTunes and disable SAM ( Enabled in position Off ).
  3. Connect your iPhone to iTunes. An error should appear telling you that your device can not be activated. Do not worry, it’s perfectly normal : Close and restart iTunes (you may have to unplug and re-connect your machine several times while please be patient).
  4. At this point your iPhone’s unlock ! You should soon want the logo to your new provider.

It may be that push notifications stop working after this procedure. Do not panic! You can easily restart them by connecting your iPhone to iTunes and then go to settings on your device and Sat press”  Clear PUSH “.

Warning, this method allows to use only the SIM card installed in the iPhone during the proceedings with Sat You can not switch between your SIM cards without repeating the operation from the beginning. This is not a total désimlockage like that you can formally propose Apple or your carrier.

Now unlock your iPhone (only for a specific operator) and can be restarted and connected to iTunes freely without losing the “unlocking” , at least for now …

Attention, it will only activate your iPhone with the SIM card of the operator in question. If you change, it will again.

Source:  Gizmodo


Posted by on April 24, 2012. Filed under Articles, Jailbreak, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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