iPad 3 Retina Screen Available in March

iPad 3 Retina Screen Available in March

The iPad 3 will be released in the month of March. This is the influential blogger Jim Dalrymple that publishes information Friday morning on his blog ( The Loop ).

Thursday, the site DigiTimes announced that Apple would introduce to the press and developers iPad 3 in two versions at the MacWorld in San Francisco held in late January 2012. Its distribution in the wake was so predictable.

But the article by Jim Dalrymple of The Loop is virtually act as official denial from Apple . Jim Dalrymple is indeed considered by the Applesphère as the unofficial spokesman of the U.S. company. Implied that he gets first-hand information . Maybe even the leaders of Apple.

So the iPad 3 will not be presented to the press in January (or at CES in Las Vegas or at MacWorld in San Francisco). Jim Dalrymple suggests that Apple is planning layer to the presentation – release of the iPad, and iPad 2 . Namely: a presentation in the first week of March and marketing in the wake of the U.S. and Europe in early April .

Another rumor that Jim Dalrymple denies. The arrival of an iPad Mini along the iPad 3 . This hypothesis had been circulating for several months on the web. A concept has even emerged a few days ago . The idea put forward was that Apple wanted to compete with the emerging shelves and in particular the Amazon Kindle Fire .

Jim Dalrymple gives latest information on the iPad 3. The Apple tablet has a much higher resolution screen Retina doubling the quality of the screen compared to the iPad 2 . This possibility was discussed since the summer of 2011 . It is now official.


Posted by on January 8, 2012. Filed under Apple, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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