Fu Chunli Has Recovered from its $ 10,000 iTunes Card

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By downloading an application from the App Store, Fu Chunli did not become a star in China. This is the inhabitant of 25 year girl who downloaded the billionth app on the platform download from Apple .

She says having long believed it was a joke when his friends started calling to tell him the news. Fu Chunli took this story seriously only when she received an email from Apple announcing the good news. Recall that on this occasion, Apple had a contest with the key to an iTunes card for $ 10,000 (read: App Store: the winner is Chinese ).

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That the Chinese media call it seems the “Apple Girl” was invited to Beijing at the expense of the princess to receive his gift. The event was publicized enough it seems.

The story does not say if she met Tim Cook, currently in China to discuss with the authorities to accelerate investment and development of Apple in the country.

Via: MIC Gadget


Posted by on March 27, 2012. Filed under Apple, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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