Free Calling to Your Facebook Friends With Talkatone App for Apple`s iGadjets

Free Calling to Your Facebook Friends With Talkatone App for Apple`s iGadjetsTalkatone is the great service that allow you create calls over WiFi and 3G for gratis with Google Voice has expanded its providing to Facebook when it launched the new application.

As of these days the iPhone Talkatone and applications for the iPhone can currently enable you to decision your Facebook friends using VoIP over Wi-Fi and 3G networks and permits you to receive notifications of free use Facebook Chat, that are literally quite helpful if you Facebook has long SMS notifications off .

Talkatone is an absolutely free application that is fully compatible with  iPod touch, iPhone and iPad running iOS 4.0 and later.

You can Download Talkatone for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.

To use the calling options you would like to download Facebook application Talkatone, log in using Facebook Connect and invite your friends to speak. The warning is kind of annoying that whoever you’re calling should additionally download the appliance to participate. His straightforward request message Talkatone phone decision inviting her wall with the message

<ur friend name>, i am calling you on Facebook from Talkatone. you’ll be able to get on your iPhone, iPod touch, or IPAD, and decision me for gratis.



Posted by on August 10, 2011. Filed under Technology, Web. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.