Google has added in recent days a new feature to its social networking Google +: It is a ” Find My Face “, A system of automatic recognition of faces on the photos you can tag auto users to encourage the recognition of friends and full awareness of the own photos uploaded by others.
“Find My Face” is designed with the logic of ‘ opt-out : when you choose to join the project, all tags will be automatically allowed. If you do not adhere, however, the algorithm ignores the network of social recognition and will not trigger automatic reconnects the tag the photo with the user identified in the image. In doing so Google + away from them every allegation of violation of privacy, putting in the hands of the user the power to decide for himself for his friends (to whom it is granted or not the possibility to see tagged automatically loaded images).
Google’s approach on this issue has long been marked by transparency , so as to diversify their social networks from Facebook (which in the past also on facial recognition has excelled in terms of transparency and linearity). The new feature is being introduced progressively on different profiles and each has the opportunity to check their own settings and the impact this tool can have on their experience of using the network.
Posted by Paracha
on December 12, 2011. Filed under Google, News, Technology.
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