File Server in the Cloud: This Should be Considered When Choosing Suppliers

File Server in the Cloud: This Should be Considered When Choosing Suppliers 1

There are many indications to store data in the cloud: Lower costs, in contrast to its own server equipment, great flexibility in case of need, central access from various devices. But the choice is wide. We show, on what to watch out for and how to find the ideal offer.

When it comes to cloud storage, it’s not just about the cost. Because innovations can only be a good enough access to resources arise. Have this access but usually only large companies with corresponding structures and capital. However, this paradigm looks increasingly exposed to a change: startups like Pinterest have shown that a business model can be implemented without a large budget.

But how is this possible on the resource level? The key word is cloud computing. The term stands for a service model, in which resources are provided as computer power, storage, applications, and other types of services on demand via a data link, preferably the Internet. Because of the “pay as you go ‘model while only those resources should be charged, that are actually used in a given period. The billing is done monthly, hourly or based on other units, such as “per gigabyte”. Long-term contracts and high investments in infrastructure, there is not. The same applies to the personnel usually has knowledge of the complex for the operation and the maintenance of its own infrastructure.

Besides Pinterest already have many other young companies to recognize the potential of cloud computing for yourself and use the flexible delivery of infrastructure in order to establish on this basis their business model. Thus in recent months and years, many innovative applications have emerged which were without the paradigm of cloud computing as well not have been possible.

IaaS vs. PaaS vs. SaaS

The above resources are provided “as a service” provided. A distinction is made between three areas:

  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS): This includes computing power, storage, and other services that can build up their own virtual data center.
  • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): This is a complete environment for the development and operation of web applications. A PaaS environment includes everything from the full stack of the operating system to databases to the run-time environments.
  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): Provides platform-independent access to applications through a standard Web browser. Possible SaaS applications are Office and Collaboration Suites, customer relationship management systems (CRM), online billing applications.

Public, Private or Hybrid

These services are provided in different ways:

  • Public cloud: Here, several customers on the same physical infrastructure in a shared environment. The separation is achieved through a multi-tenancy architecture.This ensures that a mutual insight and access to data and other information is not possible.
  • Private cloud: for the methods and concepts of the public cloud in its own data center and transferring the self-managed IT infrastructure so that made cloud-capable.
  • Hybrid cloud: the public cloud combines with a traditional IT infrastructure or private cloud. Companies operate, as a rule their own infrastructure and refer where necessary additional resources from a public cloud, for example, to compensate for short-term peak loads.

Storage from the cloud

For cloud computing, there are many applications and scenarios for action. Nevertheless, it is necessary to analyze their own needs and experience, keyword: Use Case. Cloud storage services for businesses can mean a good entry into the cloud computing. Due to the increasingly growing amounts of data to be stored by a company to manage and must therefore constantly invest in hard drives and storage systems are made. The complexity and cost increases with respect to the operation of the entire IT infrastructure.

With the use of cloud storage, the status of the data available on changes of highly available. This is due to the basic design of cloud storage. The files are stored in this case, multiple data centers across the provider. As a result of the failure of a storage area at the provider does not cause data loss. An enterprise so at any time access to their data. Furthermore, companies are therefore options available to make backups in real time. This is done by synchronizing the data at run-time. For this, the data of the company initially be synchronized with the cloud storage system of the provider. Any subsequent changes to a file are then updated at the time of storage with the cloud storage system of the provider.

Another advantage of cloud storage is the scalability. A company needs now 10 GB, but 100 tomorrow, this can be realized without any problems, without investing in their own storage systems. In addition, the data is in one place. To ensure that all employees have the opportunity to access from anywhere on a common database.


Posted by on November 23, 2012. Filed under Articles, Technology, Web. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.