Download a Hack for the Nook Touch that will Make it a Lot Faster

Download a Hack for the Nook Touch that will Make it a Lot Faster

There are hackers of all colors and tastes, and each device has its horde of fans who want to unravel all its secrets. While the Touch Nook is a mecca for exploits that another one is always turning left and this time see an incredible way that improves the refresh rate of the reader from Barnes & Noble .

The hack was created by a developer who is one of the XDA forums who found a way to enable fast refresh mode . The speed which happens to have the Nook Touch with this hack is so great that many thought was a fake , but no.

Best of all is that anyone with a hacked device can enable this option. All you have to do is to enter the XDA forums and download the hack . All that remains is to show the video so that you also be surprised.


Posted by on February 24, 2012. Filed under Jailbreak, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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