Apple`s New iPhone 5 Ad “Do Not Disturb” Malfunctions at Same Day (Video)

Apple-iOS-6-bugFew days ago Apple has unveiled a new commercial for the iPhone 5 starring the two sisters Serena and Venus Williams, tennis players and is entitled, “Dream”. The new ad shows in a nice way ‘do not disturb “, but due to a bug in iOS 6 it is not working as it should. Do Not Disturb is a new feature of iOS 6 and serves to inhibit the emergence and activation of all notifications. This can also be programmed in a time interval within the day.

The publicity of the iPhone 5, puts the attention of the audience right at the feature in question, and has as protagonists the Williams sisters of international tennis. The irony would have it, on the day of its presentation, how “Do Not Disturb” did not work as expected due to a bug in iOS 6.

I remember some years ago a bug related to iOS alarm clock, that on some devices was not activated properly, causing a lot of discomfort. The bug in iOS 6, however, occurs once the programmed mode “Do Not Disturb” for a set time. The problem is that the notifications will continue to be inhibited by the system  even when the interval has elapsed, then we will have to manually disable mode, thus making unnecessary the automatic programming provided by the system.

The bug seems to have been released yesterday, but it is persisting even in the day today. For now not released official comments on the subject.


Posted by on January 2, 2013. Filed under Apple, News, Technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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