If you believe the polls, more than half of Americans believe that extraterrestrials exist. And 80 percent of respondents believe the government knows about aliens, but hides the information about it. Or distorts it.
The hottest heads – among the public – generally believe that the U.S. government has long worked with aliens. But again, keep it a secret.
Referring to the information allegedly secretly received from the military on numerous eyewitness accounts, told in newspapers, magazines and on television on their own and other contacts with aliens, a group of enthusiasts turned the Internet into the White House, demanding “tell the truth.” Indicate how many aliens are on Earth at this time. They say, “people have a right to know.”
And the White House responded, through his spokesman Phil Larsen (Phil Larson) of the Department of Science and Technology Policy (White House Office of Science & Technology Policy). He very carefully explained to the point.
Phil assured that “the American government no reason to believe that any life exists beyond our planet. There is no evidence that one of the members of the human race came into contact with extraterrestrials or cooperating with them.”
According to Phil, and there is no reasonable information that would allow authorities to suspect concealment of evidence of this kind.
But the White House admits: “The above said does not mean that the government does not discuss the topic of extraterrestrial life and does not promote its search.”
Phil explained that he had in mind only the projects under the program.
SETI – Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence, which is just focus on detection of signals from extraterrestrial civilizations.
To give an official response the White House forced thousands of enthusiasts who have used the new right to request information from the government. His gave the Obama administration under a project called ‘We the People’.
hose who want something to learn officially placed on the site in the petition. Her sign other interested persons. And when their number rose past 5000, the administration responds.
One appeal was signed by the alien 5387 people. Another – more than 12,000.
Now the “bar” is raised. The official reaction to the collective treatment of citizens must advance after the way they gather 25,000 signatures. Citizens gather. Still want to know the truth about aliens in the White House.
At the White House have seen aliens
What specifically could encourage the public to contact the U.S. government with a demand to disclose the truth about aliens? It is possible that one of them saw in 2007 in the office of then U.S. president George W. Bush. The stranger looked out the window. Looked back to Bush. And it was not some fake comic. The stranger was manifested in the real frame TV report filmed August 31 during a press conference at the White House. More about this watch and read “George Bush caught in relations with the aliens?”
Here is the Petition Urges President Obama To Disclose Existence Of Aliens.
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