Trains Which Have the World’s Most Luxurious Cabin

In addition to the installation of flat screen TV, large bed, bathroom unique designs, many also arranged train stopped at the station at night to ensure sleep for passengers.

1. Blue Train, South AfricaTrains Which Have the World's Most Luxurious Cabin

Blue Train is a train prestigious 5 star standard in South Africa and if the “vibrate” purse, passengers should not miss the chance to experience once. With a length of 4.5 meters, the train equipped with mahogany chairs, a foldable desk when not in use and entertainment system includes a built in-house movies, GPS maps, binoculars modern view . In particular, in the cabin also has a small bathroom, gilded furniture and expensive items.

Typically, a pair of Blue Train carriages cost $ 1,477, peak times from September to mid November, the price can be up to $ 2,731 a single chamber. Photo: Wikipedia.

2. Royal Canadian Pacific, CanadaTrains Which Have the World's Most Luxurious Cabin

Do not compete with the other train on expensive furniture, Royal Canadian Pacific luxury class shown by historical reputation. This was a series of inns of character names as prime minister Winston Churchill, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II.

Each court has different design, using walnut very elaborate mosaic walls, and equipped with fireplaces and contemporary furniture. 6 days 5 nights trip on the train will cost $ 7,853 per person.

3. Danube Express, HungaryTrains Which Have the World's Most Luxurious Cabin

Known for her lavish bedroom belongs to the world, the Danube Express soft lighting system installed on each prescription that must be very observant and passengers realized. In addition, each chamber is designed large windows, glass can pull up all sizes, this is seldom seen on regular trains. Single room for long trips of 4 days 3 nights of the Danube Express travelers spend $ 3,777. Photo: BusinessWeek.

4. The Deccan Odyssey, IndiaTrains Which Have the World's Most Luxurious Cabin

The Deccan Odyssey buildings modeled on the palace architecture with fabrics, carpets and handicrafts particularly delicate mosaic walls. Each time arranged flat screen TV, stereo system, 2 bathrooms and a small kitchen is always full of food.

Moreover, the ship was equipped with a number of other functional departments such as seminars, gym, spa, sauna and massage. Average price flights to Goa from Maharashtra (India) $ 750 for a single room and $ 1,300 for double rooms, however, last year the price has increased by U.S. $ 200-300. Photo:

5. The Eastern and Oriental Express, ThailandTrains Which Have the World's Most Luxurious Cabin

Cabin looks like the waiting room at the hotel with long sofas, rattan chairs and wooden tables adjacent to the window list. In addition, owners of luxury train ticket promotion is also a bar on board entertainment. Tourists join tour Bangkok – Singapore will spend $ 4,420 to enjoy the pleasures on this train. Photo:

6. Pride of Africa, South AfricaTrains Which Have the World's Most Luxurious Cabin

Known as the Pride of Africa, Rohan Vos personally driven growth will welcome passengers as they step foot on the Pride of Africa and he also pays attention to detail carefully on board. In the cabin with large bed and the most prominent landmark is a classic bathroom.

In addition, each coach has also arranged a fridge full of wine. However, the personnel on board is very enthusiastic customer service if requested cocktails. Fares from Cape Town to Pretoria (2 nights) on the train will cost $ 2,973 for double rooms. Photo:

7. The Ghan, AustraliaTrains Which Have the World's Most Luxurious Cabin

Ghan train now offers 3.4 m length cabin bed, large bathroom, interior amenities such as a table decoration folding to work, walls made of wood varnish Tasmania hit the ball, the floor covered with carpet luxury. At night, the manager is responsible for moving from room cabin with a window watching the two parties to the cozy bedroom. One way ticket including Platinum membership card on the train class worth $ 2,987 a guest. Photo:

8. Royal Scotsman, UKTrains Which Have the World's Most Luxurious Cabin

Cavity interior decoration in the style of old nobility with striped walls, closet-size regular, old ceiling fans. Brand of luxury boats also reflected in the thoughtful, gentle in the way of service, such passengers may request a glass of wine before bed Baileys or report will be made available as soon as they wake up sessions morning.

The chamber is large window, always open to plateau when the wind rolling train. Besides, the Royal Scotsman also stop station every night to ensure that visitors quiet sleep. To own such a position on the train this expensive, the elite have to spend $ 2,170 to be alone and $ 3,610 for double rooms. Photo:

9. Venice Simplon – Orient – Express, EuropeTrains Which Have the World's Most Luxurious Cabin

Living room is separated and has a long sofa, stool, foot rest, which is adjacent to the cozy bedroom. The attentive and professional in serving also expressed ship class, just press the button, the staff will give you a cup of tea immediately.

To compensate the above prescription does not have bathrooms and toilets must use the same, the legendary Venice Simplon ship – Orient – Express always parked to rest at 5-star hotel every night to keep the sense of civilization and comfort passengers. The cost to become the owner of a double room for 2 nights on board is $ 6,620. Photo:



Posted by on February 7, 2012. Filed under Articles, Life Style, Relations. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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