“Nike Air Mag” Expensive Beyond Thoughts

 "Nike Air Mag" expensive beyond thoughts The Nike Air Mag,  I “Dream”  to wear these shoes when I was  a kid and now I have dream to buy them but it is very difficult..

Because The selling price of a pair of “Nike Air Mag” is   $6,142 which is expensive beyond thoughts.According to  CNBC, The average price of the first 150 pairs  is $6,142  .That is very  expensive,  but great for humanity because all the proceeds are going to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. Sergey Brin, Google co-founder, will also match the donations up to $50 million.

Checking at current listings which we have that the price of the Air Mag may have dipped  to $4,000 a pair. That will be also very expensive for a common person who  could ever afford for a pair of shoes. Though that doesn’t mean that no one is trying to bidding on ” Nike Air Mag” .  We hope that  the price  dip a little more .


Posted by on September 15, 2011. Filed under Fashion, Life Style. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.