Fantastic Voyage: Whats Happened with Noodles During Digestion

Fantastic Voyage to the Digestive Process

Stefani Bardin is an artist who is dedicated to exploring the role of technology in food systems and processes. His most recent work entitled “Fantastic Voyage” is part of an extensive work related to food, which is called: “Pharmacology of flavor.”

Remember ” Innerspace “ ? I hope so. The “Fantastic Voyage” Bardin using a commercial device called “M2A ™” , a pill with a camera capable of recording images for 8 hours and documents the journey from gastro-intestintal is introduced to the mouth until it reaches the intestine . Also used a “Smartpill” , which contains sensors that allow you to collect information on the level of pH, temperature and pressure of the body.

This amazing video that captures the digestive process happens with two types of food, the processed and the integral. Processed food consisted of sweet gum bears, blue Gatorade and chicken soup-style food. The second food included Gatorade “home” ( hibiscus ), homemade soup chicken noodle handmade teddy bears and sweet cherry.

The result of the first food is a bit frightening images. The color in the small radioactive image on the left comes from the substance used Gatorade for its color, which is created based on petrochemicals , ie is made with oil. According to the documentation of Bardin, this information is not public because the colorants to be intellectual property , it can cause economic damage to companies to reveal their secrets . Forget that other harms your bowel, of course.

Now the noodles. Those used in the food of the right ingredients were cooked to the market, the left with 15 ingredients including an antioxidant associated with butane , ie, the gas used for lighters. After two hours, right noodles were processed by the intestine, the left still had shape and could be recognized, the reason for this: ramen style noodles are designed to withstand the end of the world or Armageddon.

Stefani Bardin noodles have another goal:

Our noodles are made to be eaten.

Bardin expected that this visual information, people can make more informed decisions about the foods we eat to eat. The project was development in the prolific center of art and technology, Eyebeam NYC in collaboration with the gastrointerologo, Braden Kuo of Harvard.


Posted by on February 23, 2012. Filed under Articles, Health, Life Style. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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