Is Angelina Jolie Melting Due to Anorexia?

Is Angelina Jolie  melting Due to Anorexia? Angelina Jolie the most beautiful actress who played multipul roles in movies appeared in the Bob Simon’s program,  “60 Minutes”. “Unhealthy thinness star” one of the topics covered in the show.Angelina Jolie said,

I never limit myself when I want something to eat, and never engaged in counting calories. Today, I feel absolutely fine. I am grateful to everyone who is worried about my health, but I want to say that to worry about no. I experienced their worst, their darkest times and survived. I did not die young, and it is a great success  many artists have not transferred that fell to my lot. 

But Angie is melting before our eyes because with the growth of 172 cm she  weighs only 44 kg. And just look at this picture to make sure that talk about anorexia have not just happen.


Posted by on November 24, 2011. Filed under Entertainment, Health, Hollywood, Life Style, News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.