NASA simulates collision of two black holes – Video

Black holes are particularly complex celestial objects to understand because they push physics to its own limits. Scientists often have to extrapolate when they evoke these singularities. A video simulation by NASA shows us for the first time the collision of two supermassive black holes.

Black holes Simulation by NASA

Scientists who have never been able to observe the collision of two supermassive black holes with their telescopes, have decided to use the power of calculations of one of the most powerful computers on the planet to develop a simulation of this shock. In this way, it will be easier to find this cosmic phenomenon in the immensity of the universe, because we will know a little more what to really look for.

Supercomputer simulates collision of two black holes

To do this, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center researchers have used the 9,600 cores of the Blue Waters processor, a powerful supercomputer located on the campus of the University of Illinois, which still had to crush the information for 46 days …

The experiment was also rich in lessons because in addition to a beautiful video simulation, which we put at the bottom of article, researchers now have very interesting information to better search for this type of collisions in space. Indeed, the video shows us two major events, the first takes place shortly before the collision, the gases emanating from the black holes begin to release UV and X-ray emissions in pharaminous quantities. It would therefore be possible by looking for this type of emissions to predict a future collision and observe the shock.

The second information is also clearly visible on the simulation, the shock between the two black holes, produces very hot gas discs around the two singularities and creates a very cold circle between the two black holes. Once again, this information will make it possible to carry out research, using these restrictive criteria to try to find the first collision one day, in order to observe it in real time.


Posted by on October 7, 2018. Filed under Articles, Innovation. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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