Firefox 11: New Tools for Developers and Synchronization Extensions

Firefox 11 - New Tools for Developers and Synchronization Extensions

After some confusion and slight delays, Firefox 11 , finally officially available. The latest version of the Mozilla browser includes new developer tools , synchronization extensions and the expected support SPDY protocol .

With the advent of Firefox 11, also comes the ability to synchronize the extensions installed on the browser through Add-on Sync , allowing, for example, to install a new plug-in browser of the computer you have at home, This will synchronize automatically with the one we use at work, allowing us to enjoy the same experience while we change our desktop. This feature is not enabled by default, so you have to activate it from the tab “sync” from the options panel of the browser.

For Web developers there is good news, because Firefox 11, includes two new tools that significantly facilitate the understanding of the structure of web sites and code editing CSS in real time .

Tilt is one of these new tools is based on WebGL technology and illustrates the structure of web pages in 3D , making it much easier to understand the way how they relate the different elements that compose them.

To access the new display, just click the right mouse button on the page and then select “Inspect element” with the inspector of elements activated, click on the “3D” button on the right side of the bar at the bottom of the screen.


Posted by on March 18, 2012. Filed under Articles, IT, Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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