DriveSlim: Recovers Space on Your Hard Drive


DriveSlim is an application that consolidates several utilities that the veterans certainly remember. With DriveSlim’ll be able to recover storage space on your hard drive . This will have several options that will range from the detection of duplicate files, removing unused language files, support universal binary application and the search and detection of files with specified size and use up the draft of the cache and temporary files folder.

The operation is very simple. DriveSlim Run and select the actions you want to make. Then we set the parameters to specify the minimum size of these duplicate files, size, and since I do not access certain data (ideal to find a video file lost), the cache, remove languages ??and applications as part of the Universal Binary supports PowerPC platform (somewhat limited at present). Done in a while we appear the results and we can act on them.

DriveSlim is a simple application that can be useful to some users confused and with little knowledge or simply do not want to have to use different manual methods to achieve the same results. The price is 15.99 euros DriveSlim.

More Details: Prosofteng
Download : DriveSlim , Mac App Store


Posted by on April 8, 2012. Filed under Articles, IT, Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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