How to Choose a Right mobile phone?

How to Choose a Right mobile phone?

Almost everyone, sooner or later, when this far once before it becomes a problem of selecting a new cell phone.And at about this point the problems begin. It appears, choose a life partner is much easier.

 From the most varied in the eyes, advertising pulls in different directions, and the manufacturers are cutting vans on the market a new seductive another. And when you consider that the bulk mobility came to our post-Soviet life not so long ago, and experience in choosing the most subscribers do not just (today the vast majority of subscribers are going to change the phone only for the first time), the picture is pretty funny.

 One gave the first phone friends, and on directories popyhtet he did not, the second  handed parents to enroll in college, well, a third unit acquired when forced to choose between three, not twenty three models. Well, of course, affects the financial factor: cell phone, anyway stuff expensive.

 And buy a pig in a poke do not want anyone.Yes, and understand all these figures and clever Latin letters is difficult. “The camera: Well, why do I need the camera? GPRS: What’s that? I wonder if this Bluetooth strongly change my life for the better.” Friends advised one thing, greed, united with common sense, whispers the second, and contrary to the polite salon worker for half an hour says a third. How can you be? First, do not panic. Second, at least in general outline, decide what you and for what purpose, in fact, necessary. But thirdly, read through the material until the end. This brief guide is intended for the inexperienced buyer who is shaking hands on the sacrifice his precious pig-piggy bank, but he still had not decided in the name of a model. We slowly and try to understand the order in all that abundance, which is happening on the shelves of stores, we place all the models on the shelves in order, as well as a brief rundown on the specifications to which attention should be paid before you part with their money. Along the way, debunked or confirmed several rumors that fills the Internet and any conversation on the mobile theme. You have not yet decided not to change my phone? Then look forward to your attention.

Where better to buy a mobile phone? How to choose a mobile phone? Buying a used phone. Choosing a mobile phone on the internet that is right for you. What settings need to phone you, useful and useless mobile phone features.

If you want to transfer to another cell phone picture or ringtone, download data from your computer, connect your laptop or handheld computer to the Internet via the phone  you need the data transfer functions. The most technically simple and affordable way to connect to the computer  via the connector that plugs into a USB or COM-port.

If you do not like to disturb others, then your cell phone must be vibrating. Before you buy must try it – in different models of “vibration” has a different capacity.

Typically, the ergonomics OSD mobile phone customers pay attention after you purchased your phone. When choosing a phone, try to walk through the various sub-menus – this process should not cause irritation, you need functions should be easily accessible.

Opportunities for mobile phones more and more. But no matter how the producers excelled, the buyer must keep firmly in mind: the phone is needed, above all, to talk to him. Therefore, the most important characteristics are such plain parameters such as weight, size, battery life and performance.

Many cell phones have voice recording function, but to record a minute or two do not have enough internal memory. In this case, it may be very useful ability to use flash memory cards – the recording time will increase tenfold. On the map we can write music in a format mp3 – phone with a headset will turn into a compact player.


Posted by on October 16, 2011. Filed under Hardware, IT. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.