The evolution to the captchas we know so far has come. Swedish activists for human rights have developed a new one that makes use of human empathy , both human face to detect bots and to serve as a barrier against homophobic, xenophobic, etc.
From Nerdcore comes this captcha, which asks questions on which questions not only the ability of humans to understand and respond, but also choose the appropriate alternative based on respect for human rights . Thus, this dual function is evident captcha. On one hand, neglecting the bots that are incapable of understanding-the moment-this type of information and ascertain the answer. On the other, prevent access to those who do not display a minimally adequate response.
In addition, it also poses its pedagogical function (failure to know the degree of effectiveness of such a measure in adults), forcing those who want to enter the site to choose an appropriate response. For example, as shown in the image above, choosing the answer Annoyed when asked about how it feels to learn that an Albanian minister urges homosexual beating.
You can find more information on this captcha, and begin working with book stores, where official website .
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