Anostyle: iPhone 5 in Red, Blue, Green, Pink etc Colors

Anostyle-iPhone 5-ColorsIf the two available colors of the 5th iPhone (Black & slate and white & silver) are not enough.

If you dream of a unique iPhone 5 in colors like red, blue, green, pink etc and If you have an extra 249 $  after the purchase price of the iPhone 5 … then there is a solution and answer which is “Anostyle”.

The Anostyle promises to pick up the iPhone 5 and also the iPad Mini with the patented anodizing technique applied to transform the device with the color of your dreams.

Unfortunately, the service is currently only available to residents of the United States. However, it should be informed about the amazing results of the process through the pics below:

Anostyle-iPhone 5-Colors

Anostyle-iPhone 5-Colors2


Posted by on December 6, 2012. Filed under IT. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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