His name, “Apple TV” . Unknown to the battalion, the new jewel in Jobs will know a very moderate success due to many problems encountered by consumers. These instruments include both the purchase price that the price series / films sold in the Apple store. But still, the Apple TV had already been created 11 years ago.
To make a leap in the past, Bell Atlantic (now Verizon) was looking at the time to team up with Apple to produce a TV box. The result has emerged and is presented in the pictures above and below. The box in question has nothing extraordinary in design compared to TV companies’ cable boxes. Besides the Apple logo written on front.
When it starts, you see the Mac OS Finder on your television and initial startup begins loading at the bottom of the screen. It plays MPEG1 video with a sampling rate of 1544 Mbps, which also is not bad for a standard resolution.
But those days are over. Today, we talk over the possible arrival of a TV without Apple’s not a case.
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