Top-5 Best Online Role Playing Games

All of us sometimes want to be someone else. Remove the cabinet office and put on a suit of clothes wisely, who commands a reasonable tree and can slay a dragon with a toothpick. But in today’s online role-playing games, it is so hard to win back the role! Try to call out to someone: “I Dazdranagon, the son of Aragorn!Kneeled down, filthy peasant! “, And in response, most likely, the audience breaks out instead of applause, swearing and call nurses. But all is not lost. In nature, there are some games where you understand correctly. Especially for you we have compiled a list of them.

5th place

EVE OnlineTop-5 Best Online Role Playing Games

EVE is generally perceived as difficult to play with large-scale wars, not intended for average minds. But apart from that, it’s a terrific game c opportunities for wagering.Game mechanics itself is so constructed that, by choosing the path you must follow it to the end of life – unless, of course, want to achieve something. So the game has long been elaborated some stable rules that everyone will like this rolepleeru. For example, the pirates have a code of honor, they follow no worse than old Dexter: if the victim had paid the ransom – the victim is released, if the greedy – to kill and mock corpse.

EVE Online  – a leisurely game, so it’s like a very thorough and patient people. For them, there simply role-playing heaven. For example, you become a spy and infiltrate into the enemy corporation. We’ll have to creep into the trust for months, gradually rising higher in rank. So that one day – broads! – And run off with all the guild bank.

4th place

Saga of RyzomTop-5 Best Online Role Playing Games

After the film “Avatar,” a particularly inspired by the fans packed up and went into the jungles of Costa Rica to hunt ostriches and live like a Na’vi. The majority – on crutches and in tattered rags – has returned. They did not know that there is a easier way: just install the Saga of Ryzom and move to the planet of Atys, which is almost as Pandora, because it also increases the living tree. More precisely, the entire planet is one big living tree, whose roots can be seen everywhere. Especially if you raise your head.

This game is a hard life is incredibly dedicated community. Players love it so much that even organized a fundraiser to buy a developer on the brink of bankruptcy. Saga of Ryzom is this love. Developers have approached very seriously, for example, the idea to create this ecosystem – and there is even a herd of animals that migrate from place to place. Why not become a pretext tracker-hunter? And developers are periodically organized by the players happy days are arranging, for example, an attack of giant bugs. But the players and would otherwise not get bored. The rich history, interesting race, and even the ability to create their own adventures – is not a paradise for rolepleya?

3rd place

Second LifeTop-5 Best Online Role Playing Games

Second Life  – not just a game, rather it is a virtual environment for communication.But the size of the crowd that wants to play something that way, it udelyvaet any other game. The reason lies in the flexibility of settings that allow you to fasten on any avatar’s appearance and to build even the most psychedelic world. Want to become a giant Godzilla-pearl, which admits of the mouth of the fiery bubbles? Robot romantic, enthusiastic catching butterflies? Kolobkov-breykdanserom? Come up with something pooriginalnee, these vacancies are already occupied. However, you do not need so izgalyatsya. You can “just” to talk to passers-by on the streets of Berlin 20s, dark Transylvanian village or pirate-like places in Second Life a lot. And the other person is always available. No hurry, no runs in a raid in PvP daily quests or. In Second Life, people come to chat and hang out.

2nd place

Face of MankindTop-5 Best Online Role Playing Games

Face of Mankind  – an unusual online role-playing game. There are no monsters at all, pumping and non-player characters. Thus, all the roles in the game belong to the players! According to the story in the near future, the world is divided into eight fractions, and by selecting one of them, you will defend its interests. The list is the police, thieves, mercenaries, industrialists, scientists, hippies and even drove-distance. The better you vzhivetes a role and how conscientiously you will carry out the orders of the authorities, the more quickly climb the ladder and get the opportunity to give jobs to kids. All offices are closely related to each other. Some – mutually beneficial cooperation, others – a blood feud. In essence Face of Mankind  – the game of life, so that developers do not even need to fill it with content. The fans entertained themselves by living a second life here – the one that probably would have, in reality, but feared. By the way, if you decide to act out this role Gopnik, be warned – the game is a real prison. And in time they will have to serve in real time!Unless, of course, not be dragged along lads in Baton nail file and you can not escape.

1st place

Lord of the Rings OnlineTop-5 Best Online Role Playing Games

Lord of the Rings Online  – a paradise for rolevikov, especially if you choose one of the role of servers: American or European Landroval Laurelin. Most of those present on these servers are able to quote the “Lord of the Rings” on any paragraph, known pedigree Bilbo to the sixth knee and fluent in Quenya. Go to the tavern “Prancing Pony” at any time and you’re guaranteed a crowd of elves meet there, basking by the fire and talk about their victories. Or speech finds some musical group that sings of the exploits of fallen heroes.

Role-playing atmosphere in  Lord of the Rings Online is so severe that strangely affects even the most susceptible to no brains. Once I stopped in the woods near the fire and joined the leisure travelers out there. One of them just told tale of the battle with the goblins in Green Hills Shire. I finally broke down and opened his mouth to interrupt the speaker with the phrase: “Man, you’re absolutely crazy. Find yourself a girl. ” But was surprised to hear his own voice: “Now hearken my tale of the bloody battle at the walls of Moria, the Sumzik son Krymzika!”

Have you had an interesting role-playing experience? Do not forget to share them in comments.


Posted by on November 29, 2011. Filed under Articles, Entertainment, Games. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.