Shakira and Pique Celebrated There Birthday Together

Shakira and Pique Celebrated There Birthday TogetherShakira and Pique celebrated there birthday together On 2 February, a date that is triply marked on the calendar of the couple. Both birthday that day, she 35 and he 25, but also exactly one year ago, Shakira presented on social media to its “sun”.

Chance knows all the details of how the couple is held such an important date. 02.02. 2012. It seems a key, and boy it is! The Columbian blew 35 candles, Gerard Pique 25 and both a year old. So is the relationship between the two lovebirds : pure coincidence. To celebrate properly the first young couple thanked all messages through social networks. Where exactly one year ago we learned that the Colombian and FC Barcelona were the new young couple of the year.

 But not all have memories, gifts this year have come through the front door. Pique could not wait to the date set to deliver his girl his small detail: a car of the Mercedes-Benz house valued at almost € 50,000. While Shakira chose to surprise your “sun” with something sweet for him to send it to cule costume candy pie, where Pique was the protagonist. “Cesc Fabregas and Carles Puyol, party guests” After the giving of gifts came the celebration. 

According to ‘RCN’ the couple celebrated his birthday in a Kart track surrounded by “about three friends.” The guests included the presence of several co-costume: Cesc Fabregas and Carles Puyol. The latter was accompanied by his current partner, Giselle Lacouture. “There was cake. I held from 7:30 until midnight,” says the publication, which details the couple enjoyed several guest Formula 1 simulators, while others devoted just to talk. “



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