Eizo FS2333: An Amazing Screen for Game Lovers

Eizo FS2333: An Amazing Screen for Game Lovers 1

Eizo always raises an interesting product to another while not the best in the market have some gadgets are worth. On this occasion presented a new monitor that includes different configurations inteilgentes FS line created especially for gamers .

This is the FS2333 that is 23 inches and a technology called Smart Insight mapping that chooses the dark areas of the screen and becomes more clear . With this, as you can imagine, will be easier to see enemies and therefore have an advantage over other players.

The screen has specific features for both first person shooters to strategy games and also the technology Smart Resolution will reduce blurring and Smart Detection will sharpen the site of the screen where the action is.

A hardware level the screen has a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels, two HDMI ports, DVI-D connectivity and D-Sub and a knob to change the characteristics of a fast and easy.Obviously the game is the environment for which it was created, but also includes 5 configurations depending on the activity you’re doing (like reading or watching a movie).

For now not reveal how much it costs but will go on sale in July , so we will not have to wait long to learn.


Posted by on June 13, 2012. Filed under Articles, Entertainment, Games. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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